The 8th Day Shemini Atzeret: The Last Great Day

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Do you know what Shemini Atzeret is all about?

Some call it the Eighth Great Day.It comes on the heels of Sukkot; Sukkot in the scriptures is seven days plus one additional day; the Eighth Great Day or Shemini Atzeret and it has great prophetic significance. It is a Sabbath day; a solemn rest and it symbolizes eternal life or new beginnings. It is the "Eighth Day" on ELOHIM prophetic timeline. What does that mean? We know ELOHIM has a prophetic timeline until His Son, YAHUSHUA returns for His second coming and Millennial reign.

According to 2nd Peter 3:8, it states; "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." In the days of creation, YAHUAH works for six days and rested on the seventh; that tells us that the earth will work for six days or 6000 years, and it will rest on the seventh day or 7000 years when the Messiah returns for His Millennial Kingdom; after the 7000 years, comes the "eighth day" or the 8000th year eternal life, the eternal Kingdom. Shemini Atzeret is mentioned twice, once in Leviticus 23, where ELOHIM outlines the different Feast Days, and also in Numbers 29, where it tells us on the "Eighth day," we shall have a sacred assembly. You will discover:

• If YAHUSHUA was born during Sukkot?

• How close are we to the Millennium reign and the Kingdom?

• How does the Fall Feast relate to the Messiah's second coming in the Millennial reign?

• How YAHUSHUA's second coming fulfills the Fall Feast, just like He did in the Spring Feast?

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to get an indepth explanation of this often overlooked Holy Day. We explain the importance and prophetic themes found about this Holy Day based on the biblical scriptures.

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The 8th Day Shemini Atzeret: The Last Great Day

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