The Ruach Ha' Kodesh: Two Spirits & The Trinity

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Do you know what 1st Thessalonians 5:21 tells us? It tells us to “21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” It is with this in mind that this second book in the Ruach Ha’Kodesh four-part series intends to do. We will explain the differences between the two Spirits:

The Spirit of Ha’Shatan.

The Spirit of ELOHIM.

We will show you how to keep the evil Spirit of Ha’Shatan from gaining access to our lives while we explain the ways and thoughts of ELOHIM. We then lay out an in-depth examination of the Trinity. According to the Trinity, YAHUAH exists as three divine persons who are identical co-eternal, co-equal, and power. This book will dismantle this belief and share the revelation of what the Bible is describing.

Hebrews 10:5 tells us, “5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me.” YAHUAH did not get inside a body and come down to earth; He sent his Son as a representative to show us how to be righteous. The argument is not rather, or not YAHUSHUA is heaven-sent because the Bible teaches that He is.

However, it does not teach us that He is YAHUAH; it also does not teach that He is co-equal in authority with His Father. The Ruach Ha’Kodesh (2), The Two Spirits, and the Trinity will help even the complete novice understand the truth that the Bible has laid out for the children of Israel.

The four-part Ruach Ha’Kodesh series helps provide the principles needed to understand YAHUAH better while discovering the truth.

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to learn about the Two Spirits, and the Trinity and will help even the complete novice understand the truth that the Bible has laid out for the children of Israel.

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The Ruach Ha' Kodesh: Two Spirits & The Trinity

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